WHAT: The University of Iowa is hosting the 5th Annual Iowa Statewide Veterans Conference. Titled "Women of the Military," the conference will focus on the dynamic impact women have on the military, as well as how the military impacts them.
WHO: The morning keynote will be delivered by Kayla Williams, an army veteran and author of two books, who will share her experiences as a soldier, combatant, and the spouse of a soldier.
See a related story, Study examines servicewomen's reporting of sexual assault in the military.
The lunch keynote will be delivered by award-winning photojournalist Mary Calvert, who has covered women all around the globe. Most recently, Calvert has turned her lens to women in the military, and the issue of sexual assault in the military. Calvert will share some photographs she's taken and the stories behind the photos.
A full agenda of the conference can be found here.
Break-out sessions will include:
- The Overarching Effects of Military Life on Women
- From Home Front to the Front Line: Iowa Women and War, 1914-2014
- Collateral Damage or Criminal Intent: Justice Involved Women Veterans
- Reflections of Military Life from the Female Student Perspective
- De-camouflaging the veteran experience in the classroom
- The Military Experiences of LGBTQ-Identified Women and Life after Don't Ask, Don't Tell
More information on break-out sessions can be found here.
WHEN: Monday, Sept. 29th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please register in advance. Registration remains open at this link.
WHERE: Iowa Memorial Union, Second Floor Ballroom
CONTACT INFO: Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all UI-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, contact Military and Veteran Student Services, Center for Diversity and Enrichment, part of the UI Chief Diversity Office, in advance at 319-384-2613.
For more information on the conference, call Allen P. Roberts, Jr., UI Military and Veteran Educational Specialist in the Center for Diversity and Enrichment at 319-384-2613 or contact at diversity@uiowa.edu.