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The Iowa Review in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,has announced the winners in a writing content for veterans. The first-place winner of the 2014 Jeff Sharlet Memorial Prize for Veterans at The Iowa Review is U.S. Air Force veteran Katherine Schifani. Her essay, “Pistol Whip,” was selected from 401 contest entries in all genres.
Schifani is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy who spent seven years on active duty in the Air Force. She is currently pursuing her Master of Fine Arts at Seattle Pacific University and lives in Colorado.
Second place in the contest went to Brian Van Reet for his story “The Chaff.” Runner-up prizes went to Terry Hertzler for poetry, M. E. Hope for poetry, and James Walley for fiction. The work of the winners and the runners-up will be published in The Iowa Review’s spring 2015 issue, and a public reading from the issue will be held in Iowa City in April.
Edited by faculty, students, and staff from the renowned writing and literature programs at the UI, The Iowa Reviewtakes advantage of this rich environment for literary collaboration to create a worldwide conversation among those who read and write contemporary literature. For more information, visit the Iowa Review website
Chaden Djalali, University of Iowa Alumni Association Dean's Chair in the UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, announced the appointment of three faculty members to named, endowed professorships in recognition of their distinguished and ongoing achievements in teaching and research.
John F. Finamore, professor and chair of the Department of Classics, was appointed the inaugural Erling B. “Jack” Holtsmark Professor in Classics.
The Holtsmark Professorship was named in honor of professor emeritus Erling B. "Jack" Holtsmark. Holtsmark joined the faculty of the Department of Classics in 1965, served as its chair from 1981 to 1993, and retired in 1997. The professorship was established in Holtsmark's honor by an estate gift to the University of Iowa Foundation from Clyde D. Stoltenberg of Wichita, Kansas. Stoltenberg earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in classics from the UI in 1969.
David Gier, professor and director of the School of Music, was named the inaugural Erich Funke Professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The Erich Funke Professorship was established by a gift to the UI Foundation from the estate of E. Carmon Moser of Corydon, Iowa, who died in 2012. Moser earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the UI in 1942, having majored in German. He named the professorship after his uncle Erich Funke, who was a professor in the Department of German from 1931 to 1960.
Qihe Tang, professor of actuarial science, was appointed an F. Wendell Miller Professor.
The Miller Professorship is named for F. Wendell Miller, an attorney and farm manager from Rockwell City, Iowa, who died in 1995. The Miller Endowment Trust was established from the Miller estate, with interest and income from the trust divided equally between the UI and Iowa State University to encourage the advancement of academic endeavors.
For more information on the named, endowed professorships, visit here.
Volker Thomas, professor in the College of Education, has been elected Chair-Elect of the American Family Therapy Academy. Additionally Thomas will receive the Legacy Scholars Award by the Family Section of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR-FT). The award will be presented at the NCFR conference in Baltimore, Maryland in November.
Milan Sonka, professor of electrical and computer engineering, associate dean for graduate programs and research, and director of the Iowa Institute of Biomedical Imaging, has been elected a Fellow of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI) Society. Sonka was recognized at the annual MICCAI meeting Sept. 14-18 in Boston Massachusetts.
Dr. Kirk Fridrich, professor in the College of Dentistry, received the 2014 Donald B. Osbon Award for an Outstanding Educator. The award was presented during a meeting of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in Honolulu, Hawaii on Sept. 8-13.
Dr. Veerasathpurush Allareddy, associate professor in the College of Dentistry, has been awarded Best Paper for his article, "Effect of occurrence of infection-related never events on length of stay and hospital charges in patients undergoing radical neck dissection for head and neck cancer."
Jessica Underwood, junior in the University of Iowa College of Nursing, has been selected as a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) NURSE Corps Scholar.
The NURSE Corps Scholarship Program provides scholarships to nursing students in exchange for a two-year service commitment at an eligible health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses. Scholarships are awarded competitively (less than 10 percent of the applications received are awarded) and help students with tuition and other school fees.
Colleen Morrissey (BA '10) has been awarded an O. Henry Prize for her short story, Good Faith.Morrissey's story was published in the O. Henry Prize Stories 2014 anthology.
The University of West Florida recently appointed William Crawley (BA '96) as dean of the newly formed College of Education and Professional Studies.
Caplan, DJ: an article, "Chronic apicalperiodontitusis more common in subjects with coronary artery disease." JEvidBased DentPract. 2014 Sep;14(3):149-50.
Avila-Ortiz, G; Elangovan, S; Kramer, KWO; Blanchette, D; Dawson, DV: an article, "Effect of alveolar ridge presentation after tooth extraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis." J Dent Res.2014;93:950-8.
Vispoel, Walter P; Han Yi Kim: an article, "Psychometric Properties for the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding: Dichotomous Versus Polytomous Conventional and IRT Scoring." Psychological Assessment; Sept2014
Mayhew, Matthew J; Pascarella, Ernest T; Trolian, Teniell; Selznick, Benjamin: an article, "Measurements matter: Taking the DIT-2 multiple times and college students' moral reasoning development." Research in Higher Education September 2014
Alt, Marcus; Lewis, Adam M; Liu, William Ming; Vilain, Eric; Sanchez, Francisco J: an article, "On the validity of popular masculinity rating scales with gay men," Archives of Sexual Behavior September 2014
Jang, Yoo Jin; Woo, Hongryun; Henfield, Malik S: an article, "A qualitative study of challenges faced by international doctoral students in counselor education supervision courses," Asia Pacific Education Review September 2014.
Davies, J.M.Q. (MA '70, Ph.D. '72) translation of Konstantinos Theotokis's novel Slaves in the Chains, Angel Books; Tra edition (Sept. 1, 2014)