The news media and the public are invited to participate in the free Iowa City Darwin Day activities set for Feb. 21 and 22 on the University of Iowa campus.
Speakers planning to talk on a variety of evolution-related topics include:
- W. Ford Doolittle, professor emeritus, Department of Biochemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; member, National Academy of Sciences.
- Robert G. Franciscus, professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa.
- Kristi Montooth, associate professor, Department of Biology, Indiana University.
The “Iowa City Darwin Day” activities celebrate science and its many contributions to humanity. World-renowned scientists annually participate by sharing their research findings in a series of professional seminars and public talks.
A list of speakers, talk titles, and a detailed schedule of events can be found at this website.
This year’s events include the inaugural Iowa City Darwin Day Poster Competition— where participants design electronic posters to communicate and/or illustrate a scientific concept, experiment, and/or historical biography related to evolutionary science.
Events scheduled for Friday, Feb. 21, will be held in Kollros Auditorium, Room 101, Biology Building East, corner of Dubuque Street and Iowa Avenue. The events of Saturday, Feb. 22, will be held in MacBride Hall, Museum of Natural History, UI Pentacrest, corner of Clinton and Jefferson streets.
Sponsors include the UIPentacrest Museums, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), and the Department of Biology, with additional support from Linda and Richard Maxson as well as the CLAS Perry A. and Helen Judy Bond Fund for Interdisciplinary Interaction.
All events are free and open to the public. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all UI-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to attend, contact Steve Kehoe, Department of Biology, in advance at 319-335-1050 or
For more information, see or contact Maurine Neiman, assistant professor of biology, at or 319-384-1814.