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Offices and Awards
Roberto Ampuero, assistant professor in the department of Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has been named the new Chilean Minister of Culture by Chilean President Sebastián Piñera as of Sunday, June 9. He is currently transitioning from his position as Ambassador to Mexico and returning to Chile, where he will serve as minister until March 11, 2014.
Fred Stern, professor of mechanical and industrial engineering and faculty research engineer at IIHR—Hydroscience and Engineering, has been appointed the George D. Ashton Professor of Hydroscience and Engineering at the University of Iowa, effective July 1.
Stern employs computer modeling and on-the-water testing in IIHR's Hydraulic Wave Basin Facility to create software codes that analyze the flow of water around hulls of ships. He was recently named the 2012-13 Georg P. Weinblum Memorial Lecturer. The lecture series is sponsored in Germany by the Institut fur Schiffbau of the University of Hamburg, and in the United States by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, along with the Naval Studies Board of the National Research Council.
For more information, visit www.engineering.uiowa.edu/news/.
Amanda Owen Van Horne, assistant professor in the UI Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Speech Pathology and Audiology, received a $75,000 American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation Clinical Research Grant during the recentConvention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association), held in Atlanta, Ga.
The Clinical Research Grant supports scientists with a research doctorate to carry out investigations that will advance knowledge of the efficacy of treatment and assessment practices in communication sciences and disorders.
Michael Wichman, associate director of the State Hygienic Laboratory was awarded the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) first Silver Award for professional achievement at the group’s annual meeting on June 4. The Silver Award is given to an APHL member “who makes or has made significant contributions to the advancement of public health laboratory science and/or practice.”
Jena Hopkins, third-year dentistry student, was awarded the American Student Dental Association Award for Excellence for her leadership of the UI chapter.
Brooke Deemer, third-year dentistry student, was awarded the Foundation of the Pierre Fauchard Academy Dental Scholarship Award for her communication skills and leadership.
Hillary Guenther, Joe Kelly, Alexia Murray, Monica Popowski, (senior Dentistry students) and Brian Smith received the College of Dentistry Research Achievement Award.
Lectures and Presentations
Ronald Ettinger, department of Prosthodontics and Dows, presented "Dental Treatment of the Frail and Older Patient," keynote lecture at the Linda C. Niessen Geriatric Dentistry Symposium: New Treatments, Improved Outcomes. The symposium was held May 31, at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry.
Kim A. Brogden, Dows and department of Periodontics presented a seminar entitled “Human Defensin 3 Modulation of Chemokine and Proinflammatory Cytokine Responses: It’s All in the Timing” at the Trinity College School of Dental Science at the University of Dublin, Ireland on May 10.
Chris Barwacz presented "Evaluation of pro-Inflammatory mediators around Ti and Zr02 dental implant abutments after 6 months of clinical function," at a conference at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Newark, N.J. on June 6.
Warren JJ; Kramer KW; Phipps K; Starr D; Dawson DV; Marshall T; Drake D; an article, "Dental caries in a cohort of very young American Indian children." J Public Health Dent. 2012 Fall;72(4):265-8.
Weber-Gasparoni K; Goebel BM; Drake DR; Kramer KW; Warren JJ; Reeve J; Dawson DV; an article, "Factors associated with mutans streptococci among young WIC-enrolled children." J Public Health Dent. 2012 Fall;72(4):269-78.
Hellstein JW; Tiecke;Bernier: an article, "Pioneers in oral pathology." JADA. 2013;144(6):578-581.
Straub-Morarend C, an article, "Short dental implants: factors influencing failure. (ADA Critical Summary of Sun HL, Huang C, Wu YR, Shi B. Failure rates of short (<=10 mm) dental implants and factors influencing their failure: a systematic review". Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2011;26(4):816-25.
McKernan S. ADA Critical Summary of Kuhnisch J, Mansmann U, Heinrich-Weltzien R, Hickel R; an article, "Longevity of materials for pit and fissure sealing—results from a meta-analysis." Dent Mater. 2012 Mar;28(3):298-303. Access:
Jennifer Buckley, department of English, an article: "'Symbols in Silence': Edward Gordon Craig and the Engraving of Wordless Drama." Theatre Survey 54, no. 2 (May 2013): 207-230.