The BTN's (Big Ten Network's) new series LiveBIG turns its focus on the University of Iowa this week, showcasing an award-winning project that’s helping health care professionals diagnose potentially deadly conditions in infants.
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The program airs at 10:30 p.m. CT on Wednesday, Feb. 27, following broadcast of the Iowa-Purdue men’s basketball game.
Putting Babies First, a video created by the State Hygienic Laboratory at the UI, the UI School of Journalism and Mass Communication, and University Communication and Marketing, teaches blood-testing techniques that screen for 29 conditions. Genetic Alliance, a nonprofit health advocacy organization, honors the project with its Baby’s First Test Challenge Award.
The UI episode of LiveBIG also features Iowa’s National Advanced Driving Simulator, the Ladies Football Academy hosted by Kirk and Mary Ferentz to raise funds for UI Children’s Hospital, and men’s basketball coach Fran McCaffery on living and giving big.