Faculty Publications
Barwacz CA, Dows Institute; Fakhry A: an article, “Use of a vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) indicator material to block out proximal undercuts during fabrication of fixed provisional restorations,” Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 107(2), 2012.
Cruz-Orcutt N; Warren JJ, Broffitt B, Levy SM, preventive and community dentistry; Weber-Gasparoni K, pediatric dentistry: an article, “Examiner reliability of fluorosis scoring: A comparison of photographic and clinical examination findings,” Journal of Public Health Dentistry 72(2), 2012.
Denry I, Dows Institute: an article, “How and when does fabrication damage adversely affect the clinical performance of ceramic restorations?” Dental Materials, 2012.
Elangovan S, periodontics; Srinivasan S; Allareddy V, oral pathology, radiology, and medicine: an article, “Hospital-based emergency department visits with oral candidiasis in the USA,” Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology 114(2), August 2012.
Kavand G; Broffitt B, Levy SM, Warren JJ, preventive and community dentistry: an article, “Comparison of dental esthetic perceptions of young adolescents and their parents,” Journal of Public Health Dentistry 72(2), 2012.
Slayton RL, pediatric dentistry; Kachalia PR; Lozano-Pineda J; Rolf DD; Kovarik RE; Dillon JA: an article, “Rethinking tenure in dental education,” Journal of Dental Education 76(5), May 2012.