The University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics welcome new patients for treatment in the dental student clinics. Quality dental care is provided to adults and children under the close supervision of faculty members who are general dentists and dental specialists.
Patients who are seen in the student clinics receive treatment at reduced fees—about one-third to half the fees charged in private practice—in exchange for patients’ participation in the college’s educational mission and the additional time required for treatment.
The college offers general dentistry as well as treatment in every specialty recognized by the American Dental Association. Private appointments with faculty dentists are also available. Fees in faculty private practice are comparable to dental practices in the community.
Whether patients are seen by dental students or faculty dental providers, treatment is provided in the Dental Science Building on the UI Health Sciences Campus. The College of Dentistry is in the second phase of a $60 million project to update and expand facilities for patient care, research, and educational programming.
For more information on the dental clinics at the college and to make an appointment for the student clinics or faculty private practice clinics, call 319-335-7499. More information is available at