Several University of Iowa experts are available to media to share their expertise in regard to President Obama's visit and to address affordability in higher education and politics.

Gary Fethke, professor of economics, dean emeritus of the Tippie College of Business, former interim president of the University of Iowa. Fethke studies higher education funding and is co-author of the book Public No More: A New Path to Excellence for America’s Public Universities, which argues, among other things, for a new financing model for public universities. The book will be published next month by Stanford University Press. Contact: 319-335-0914 (office),

Tim Hagle, lawyer and associate professor of political science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Hagle has expertise in American and judicial politics. He can discuss federal, state, and local elections; grassroots and student organizing; and Republican politics. He is faculty adviser to the UI College Republicans and the Iowa Federation of College Republicans. He has been a member of the Johnson County Republican Central Committee. Hagle completed two years of service at the United States Department of Justice in the Office for Victims of Crime and the National Institute of Justice. He was also appointed by President Bush to serve on the Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise, a committee that oversees the writing of a history of the U.S. Supreme Court. Contact: 319-335-2348 (office), 319-621-0946 (cell),

Caroline Tolbert, professor of political science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Tolbert studies voting and elections, political behavior, state politics and policy, direct democracy, race/ethnicity, and information technology and politics. She is co-author of Why Iowa?, a book that describes the impact the Iowa Caucuses have on the nomination process and proposes a new system. Contact: 319-335-2358, 319-335-2360,
To learn about other UI experts, visit the UI Election Resources Website at