Three new volumes of poetry scholarship are among the late-March releases from the University of Iowa Press.
In The American H.D., Annette Debo of Western Carolina University brings together a sophisticated understanding of modernism, the poetry and prose of H.D., and the personalities of her era. These elements are combined with the historical and cultural context in which they developed: America’s emergence as a dominant economic and political power that was torn by racial and social inequities at home.
Purple Passages: Pound, Eliot, Zukofsky, Olson, Creeley and the Ends of Patriarchal Poetry by Rachel Blau DuPlessis is part of the UI Press' Contemporary North American Poetry Series. The author tracks the poetic debates and arguments about gender that continuously affirm patriarchal poetry.
In Racial Things, Racial Forms, Joseph Jonghyun Jeon, poetry editor of Kaya Press, focuses on several underexamined contemporary Asian American poets who reject many of the characteristics of traditional minority writing, including identity politics.
The books are available at bookstores or from the UI Press, 800-621-2736 or Customers in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa may order from Eurospan Group at