Speaker Kirsten Beyer is a UI graduate
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The University of Iowa will sponsor a free, public talk on the intersection of geography and public health at 3:30 p.m. Friday, March 30, in Room C125 of the John Pappajohn Business Building, corner of Jefferson and Clinton streets, Iowa City.

The speaker will be Kirsten Beyer, health geographer and assistant professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. Beyer, who received her doctorate in geography and master of public health degree from the UI, plans to speak on the fact that public health approaches do not routinely include a geographical perspective and that there are many opportunities for collaboration between professionals in the two fields.

For more information contact Cynthia Hernandez, Department of Geography, 319-335-0151, www.uiowa.edu/~geog/.