The University of Iowa will host the 22nd annual Celebrating Cultural Diversity Festival from noon to 5 p.m., Saturday, March 31, in the UI Field House.

Admission is free; tickets can be purchased for food, refreshments, arts, and crafts.
Since 1990, the Celebrating Cultural Diversity Festival (CCDF) has given members of the UI and its surrounding communities an opportunity to learn about each other through food, games, dance, music, literature, storytelling, arts, and crafts.
Annual attendance is between 3,000 and 5,000 people, making CCDF the second largest non-athletic event sponsored by the UI. The festival consistently and successfully creates meaningful cross-cultural interactions and deeper appreciation and understanding.
Event sponsors are the UI Chief Diversity Office, the Iowa Memorial Union, the UI Division of Student Services, UI Recreational Services, and the UI Center for Student Involvement and Leadership (CSIL).
For more information, visit