As the University of Iowa prepares for the new fiscal year on July 1, leadership has announced that any potential performance and cost-of-living salary increases will occur in January. Waiting will give the university a clearer picture of tuition revenue following the September enrollment count and of any potential state budget cut following the state of Iowa’s December meeting of the Revenue Estimating Conference. As discussed below, this delay in salary increases will not affect UI Health Care or promotional raises.
In recent years, the UI has not set a campuswide salary policy and has instead empowered the deans and unit leaders to make decisions based on their unique needs, priorities, and market conditions. That will again be the case in January, as the individual colleges and units will determine their own salary policies.
While the Iowa General Assembly adjourned earlier this month after approving an $8.3 million increase for the state’s three public universities for Fiscal Year 2019, the portion allocated to the UI has not yet been determined by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. Whatever the university’s portion, any potential increase will not be enough to offset last year’s rescission.
The University of Iowa is using a new budget model for the General Education Fund that provides increased transparency and gives each college and central service unit greater control over its budget. The colleges will have the flexibility to provide increases to members of the faculty, including clinical and non–tenure track faculty, based on projected resources, changes in research productivity, and competitive market conditions. Similarly, increases for non-bargaining professional and scientific (P&S) staff will be based on performance, competitive marketplace conditions, and available funding.
UI Health Care
For the FY19 budget year (subject to Board of Regents approval), departments will be allowed to provide up to an overall 1 percent average increase for all faculty and non-organized P&S staff, to be distributed based on performance and available funding. Any such increases will be effective July 1, 2018, reflected on the August 1 paycheck. Department chairs and senior health care executives will not receive a July 1 raise.
Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement
Any staff covered by bargaining contracts will receive the increase committed to in their respective contracts.