As students head back to class, the University of Iowa Department of Public Safety is extending hours for its free Nite Ride service, ensuring safe transport late at night.
Nite Ride will operate on a 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. schedule, starting at 10 p.m. Monday, Aug. 25. Nite Ride will operate these hours 7 days a week throughout the school year.
Operated by full-time UI security officers, Nite Ride provides safe transportation for women. For more information, visit the Nite Ride website and follow us on twitter @Uiowa_NiteRide.
Two Nite Ride vans are now in circulation, helping accommodate more students and underscoring the UI's commitment to keep campus safe and combat sexual assault. The purchase of the additional van is part of President Mason's Six Point Plan to Combat Sexual Assault.
To read a related story, see Nite Ride service gets second vehicle.
Since the Six Point Plan was announced in February, the UI has also committed funding to help support the coordinator of the Johnson County Sexual Assault Response Teamand its Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners program.
The Rape Victim Advocacy Program, partially funded by the University of Iowa, recently named Jennifer Carlson as executive director.
Beginning this fall, every incoming student will also compete a new online, video-based training program called Every Choice. The program is aimed at reducing campus sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking.
Additional action on the plan includes revision of the language contained in Timely Warnings about assaults (including the addition of a "trigger warning"), and creation of a student advisory group. The 14-member student group advises the president on the impact of policies and practices, gathers input from other students, and monitors UI progress toward meeting its commitments for addressing sexual misconduct. The advisory group will resume meeting this fall.