

UI participates in Hollywood STEAM Day at Lincoln Elementary School

Lincoln Elementary hosted its Hollywood STEAM Day, featuring rooms throughout the school dedicated to teaching students, and parents, how science, technology, engineering, and math interact with art and Hollywood movies. UI faculty and graduate students from several different departments and colleges participated in the event.
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Cancer riddle, solved

Monday, January 25, 2016
Using real-time recording of cellular movement, biologists at the University of Iowa have discovered how tumors form. Cancer cells reach out and grab other cells, and as little as 5 percent cancerous cells are needed for tumor formation. Findings could lead to more precise cancer testing.

Escaping the echo chamber

Monday, January 25, 2016
As Iowa surges toward the presidential caucuses, University of Iowa professors M. Zubair Shafiq, Padmini Srinivasan, and G.R. Boynton have launched a political news aggregator, leftrightpolitics.com, to track public sentiment during the election season.

Getting angry: How rage fuels political and social movements

Emily Wentzell, an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Iowa, says that people report feelings of anger when they feel threatened, and current social, economic and political issues are causing many people to believe their way of life is endangered.

Clinton TV ads hammer guns in N.H., shy away in Iowa

University of Iowa political science professor Tim Hagle offers analysis of how Hillary Clinton's TV ads are an attempt to distinguish herself from the other Democratic candidate, Bernie Sanders.

Why voting for a female president really matters

Sara Mitchell, professor of political science and department chair at the University of Iowa, writes a guest opinion column about the importance of electing a female president.

Alumni-owned accounting startup moves to new, larger Coralville quarters

Launch Services, founded by Tippie alumnus Luke Haverkamp, has moved his firm from Iowa City's CoLab business incubator into a Coralville office building.

Dare to Discover campaign launches

Monday, January 25, 2016
Have you noticed the banners throughout downtown Iowa City? In January 2016, the Office of Research and Economic Development launched a Dare to Discover campaign showcasing researchers, scholars, and creators from across the University of Iowa. The campaign website shares the stories behind the personal faces of discovery and creativity.

Embark on a cinematic world tour

Monday, January 25, 2016
Two UI students win $1,500 scholarships to study abroad after embarking on a cinematic world tour. The Bijou Horizons series at FilmScene continues this spring, offering another UI student a similar international opportunity.

Dialogue across differences

Thursday, January 21, 2016
Sherry Watt was recently selected as the UI Chief Diversity Office’s inaugural faculty fellow, a cornerstone of the university’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

Chief Diversity Office shares update on diversity and inclusion

Thursday, January 21, 2016
The University of Iowa is making progress, but there’s still work to be done to advance diversity and inclusion, and create a welcoming environment for all. That was the message during the Chief Diversity Office’s Update on Diversity and Inclusion.
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UI biologists find sexuality, not extra chromosomes, benefits animal

Thursday, January 21, 2016
Why do animals engage in sexual reproduction? UI biologists sought answers with mud snails that breed both sexually and asexually. They found that asexual snails grow faster and reach reproductive age quicker than sexual snails, which raises new questions about sex's role in reproduction.