Latest Research News

UI physicist wins NSF CAREER award

Monday, December 14, 2020
Allison Jaynes, assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, has won a CAREER award from the U.S. National Science Foundation. She receives $682,000 over five years to investigate an atmospheric phenomenon on Earth known as pulsating aurora.

The Voyagers Found a Small Surprise in Interstellar Space

Monday, December 7, 2020
A team of scientists has detected sudden bursts of cosmic rays around the Voyagers. The bursts, they report, are caused by shock waves emanating from solar eruptions that spew particles out at a million miles an hour. The shock waves take more than a year to reach the Voyagers, but when they do, they excite cosmic-ray electrons nearby. Scientists have observed similar phenomena closer to home...

Voyager spacecraft detect new type of solar electron burst

Thursday, December 3, 2020
The Voyager spacecraft continue to make discoveries even as they travel through interstellar space. In a new study, University of Iowa physicists report on the Voyagers’ detection of cosmic ray electrons associated with eruptions from the sun—more than 14 billion miles away.

Growing Words Project makes swift, successful change

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
In a successful switch during the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Iowa’s Growing Words Project altered its approach to studying how children learn words, testing children’s abilities online and recruiting more elementary-age participants in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City.

Rachel Williams' book, 'Run Home If You Don't Want to be Killed,' publishes in March

Monday, November 30, 2020
University of Iowa Associate Professor Rachel Marie-Crane Williams' book, Run Home If You Don't Want to be Killed, will be available in March 2021 through The University of North Carolina Press.

Former biology student is paper author after describing new species

Monday, November 30, 2020
A biology student at the University of Iowa helped author a journal paper after describing a new species. Hannah Ericson, who graduated last May, characterized the new parasitic wasp species, called Coptera tonic. She is a co-author of the paper published earlier this month in the journal Zookeys.

Biomedical engineering student named UI’s 22nd Rhodes Scholar

Monday, November 23, 2020
Canadian Iowa student Marissa Mueller has become the UI's 22nd Rhodes Scholar.

3MT competition helps graduate students more effectively share their research

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Communicating the value of a graduate students’ research is more important than ever. The Graduate College’s Three Minute Thesis competition helps them share their work more broadly with people who aren’t experts in the field.

Understanding suicide as a social justice issue

Monday, November 9, 2020
In a new article published in the Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion, Counseling Psychology Professor Emeritus John Westefeld of the University of Iowa College of Education, describes how we can begin to understand suicide and suicide prevention as a social justice issue.

Mining consumer reviews for innovation gold

Wednesday, November 4, 2020
A soon-to-be published study by University of Iowa researchers finds that companies can find ideas for innovative new products in the consumer review sections on e-commerce websites like Amazon.

Anthropology professor's book wins award

Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Elana Buch, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology, was awarded an Eileen Basker Memorial Prize by the Society for Medical Anthropology. The society cited in the award announcement Buch's "significant contribution to anthropological scholarship on gender and health.”

Peek-Asa elected to the National Academy of Medicine

Monday, October 19, 2020
Corinne Peek-Asa, associate dean for research and professor of occupational and environmental health in the University of Iowa College of Public Health, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine.

The Milky Way galaxy has a clumpy halo

Monday, October 19, 2020
Astronomers at the University of Iowa have determined our galaxy is surrounded by a clumpy halo of hot gases that is continually being supplied with material ejected by birthing or dying stars. The halo also may be where matter unaccounted for since the birth of the universe may reside.

Stay in touch with your emotions to reduce pandemic-induced stress

Wednesday, October 14, 2020
The coronavirus has ushered in a lot of stress. A team of psychologists at the University of Iowa say people can reduce stress by identifying their emotions and taking mindful action to address them. The findings come from a national survey gauging how Americans are faring during the pandemic.

Humanities professor named Ford Foundation fellow

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
A humanities professor at the University of Iowa has been named a Ford Foundation fellow for 2020-2021. Alberto Ortiz Diaz, assistant professor of history and global health studies, will work on a book about incarceration in the modern Caribbean.

Biology professor wins NIH funding to study organism's response to stress

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
An assistant professor in the Department of Biology has been awarded an Early Stage Investigator grant from the National Institutes of Health. Bin He will use the funding to investigate how gene regulatory networks evolve as an organism reacts to external perturbations—such as a change in temperature or source of food— how they may contribute to a species’ adaptation to its environment. His lab...

Bardhoshi named a top contributor to flagship journal

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Gerta Bardhoshi, an associate professor in the Department of Rehabilitation and Counselor Education in the University of Iowa College of Education, has been named a top contributor to the Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development.

Good reputation badges on websites increase sales

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Online merchants who have earned a literal seal of customer approval for their website sell more stuff, while less reliable sellers who lack such an endorsement sell less, according to a new University of Iowa study.

Biology graduate student named to journal pre-print team

Thursday, October 8, 2020
A graduate student in the Department of Biology has been named to the pre-print team at the scientific journal Open Biology. Beth Osia says pre-print submissions are an integral part of the scientific publishing process and an important first stop for feedback for many researchers.

Physicists win NASA funding to build special apparatus for magnetic field sensors

Thursday, October 8, 2020
A University of Iowa physicist has been awarded funding from NASA to design and build a special mast that can carry magnetic field instruments outfitted for miniature space satellites.