Saturday, January 25, 2014

For information about UI resources, reporting options, and how to get or provide help, see the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator website:

On the morning of Jan. 25 University of Iowa Police received a report from a student that the individual was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance at a residence hall. The case is currently under investigation.

In response to the incident, the UI Police Department is providing the following information on acquaintance sexual assaults. This information is general and not related to this incident.

It is estimated that nationwide 20 percent of women and six percent of college men experience sexual assault or attempted sexual assault during their college years. Data reveal nearly 50 percent of transgender people experience sexual violence. No matter the demographic, the most common type of sexual assault is not committed by a stranger but by someone known to the victim, typically a date or other acquaintance.

There are risk factors associated with sexual assault, about which it may be useful to be aware, but being at risk in no way shifts responsibility for sexual assault to a victim/survivor. The only person responsible for sexual assault is the perpetrator.

Studies of sexual assault show a high correlation between acquaintance rape and drug/alcohol use. Alcohol and drugs are often used to make someone vulnerable to sexual assault. Be alert to people who pressure you or others to use a drug or consume alcohol. Don't leave your drink unattended while talking, dancing, using the restroom, or making a phone call. If you've left your drink alone, just get a new one. Someone incapacitated due to alcohol or drugs cannot consent to sexual activity. This is reflected in university policy:

If you feel uneasy about a situation—as someone vulnerable or as a bystander—trust your instincts and attempt to interrupt the chain of events. Being an active bystander doesn't require you put yourself at risk. Create a distraction. Involve friends. Make a commitment to ensure everyone has a safe way home, i.e., a trusted friend, taxi, Cambus or NITE Ride if available. If you believe a crime has been committed call the police.

Your health is the most important issue and we encourage victims to seek medical attention, even if there are no obvious physical injuries. Receiving a sexual assault examination by a specially trained nurse does not obligate someone to any kind of investigation and the examination is free. In addition to seeking medical attention, there are other options for self-care after an assault, including contacting a confidential victim advocate (24/7 support at 319-335-6000). More information about options is provided here:

If someone chooses a police investigation, we will investigate, provide support, and offer related services. We encourage crimes be reported immediately by calling 911. Sex offenses are treated with seriousness on our campus; criminal and/or severe disciplinary action can be taken (including suspension or expulsion). There are free confidential resources to support victim/survivors through both the criminal and university disciplinary processes.

UI Police offer Rape Aggression Defense courses as well as personal safety information through a Crime Prevention Specialist. See for more information.

This information is being released in accordance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The Clery Act requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses, including timely warnings of crimes that may represent a threat to the safety of students or employees.