Workers install a lightning protection system in Pentacrest walnut tree
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Having kept watch over the University of Iowa Pentacrest for more than 130 years, the Eastern black walnut tree that stands about 85 feet tall in front of Macbride Hall was due for a checkup recently.

Not long ago, Ed Hayes, from Hayes Trees in Rochester, Minn., completed an evaluation of the tree and determined it to be in good health and structurally sound. The tree was, however, in need of a new lightning protection system, so Hayes and Ritchie Bennie spent the day yesterday putting one in.

The tree was damaged by lightning in the early '80s. At that time, a crew installed a system, but, 30 years later, the tree has outgrown the old system.

Hayes and Bennie installed six small lightning rods at various points high up in the crown of the tree and ran ground wires from each of them. The job took most of the day and required Bennie to make six separate ascents into the tree, climbing straight up a rope each time.

The Eastern black walnut is the state champion meaning it is believed to be the largest of its species in the state of Iowa. Given its current good health and the protection of the new lightning system, Hayes sees no reason why it can't continue to grace the Pentacrest for another 50 years or more.